-熊猫、 发表于 2012-8-14 18:53

荒野求生秘技 第1-7季全集 英语中字 29.77G BT下载

<br>第一季<br/>1&nbsp; &nbsp; 洛基山脉(试点集)&nbsp; &nbsp; The Rockies&nbsp; &nbsp; 美国蒙大拿&nbsp; &nbsp; 2006.10.27<br/>2&nbsp; &nbsp; 莫阿布沙漠&nbsp; &nbsp; Moab Desert&nbsp; &nbsp; 美国犹他州&nbsp; &nbsp; 2006.11.10<br/>3&nbsp; &nbsp; 哥斯达黎加雨林&nbsp; &nbsp; Costa Rican Rain Forest&nbsp; &nbsp; 哥斯达黎加&nbsp; &nbsp; 2006.11.17<br/>4&nbsp; &nbsp; 阿尔卑斯山脉&nbsp; &nbsp; European Alps&nbsp; &nbsp; 法国&nbsp; &nbsp; 2006.11.24<br/>5&nbsp; &nbsp; 阿拉斯加山脉&nbsp; &nbsp; Alaskan Mountain Range&nbsp; &nbsp; 美国阿拉斯加&nbsp; &nbsp; 2006.11.28<br/>6&nbsp; &nbsp; 启劳亚(基拉韦亚)火山&nbsp; &nbsp; Mount Kilauea&nbsp; &nbsp; 美国夏威夷&nbsp; &nbsp; 2006.12.1<br/>7&nbsp; &nbsp; 内华达山脉&nbsp; &nbsp; Sierra Nevada&nbsp; &nbsp; 美国内华达&nbsp; &nbsp; 2006.12.8<br/>8&nbsp; &nbsp; 非洲草原&nbsp; &nbsp; African Savannah&nbsp; &nbsp; 肯尼亚北部&nbsp; &nbsp; 2006.12.15<br/>9&nbsp; &nbsp; 无人荒岛&nbsp; &nbsp; Deserted Island&nbsp; &nbsp; 美国夏威夷&nbsp; &nbsp; 2006.12.29<br/>第二季<br/>1&nbsp; &nbsp; 大沼泽地&nbsp; &nbsp; Everglades&nbsp; &nbsp; 美国佛罗里达&nbsp; &nbsp; 2007.6.15<br/>2&nbsp; &nbsp; 冰岛&nbsp; &nbsp; Iceland&nbsp; &nbsp; 冰岛&nbsp; &nbsp; 2007.6.22<br/>3&nbsp; &nbsp; 铜谷&nbsp; &nbsp; Mexico&nbsp; &nbsp; 墨西哥&nbsp; &nbsp; 2007.6.29<br/>4&nbsp; &nbsp; 金伯利&nbsp; &nbsp; Kimberly, Australia&nbsp; &nbsp; 澳大利亚西部&nbsp; &nbsp; 2007.7.6<br/>5&nbsp; &nbsp; 亚马逊雨林&nbsp; &nbsp; Ecuador&nbsp; &nbsp; 厄瓜多尔&nbsp; &nbsp; 2007.7.13<br/>6&nbsp; &nbsp; 苏格兰&nbsp; &nbsp; Scotland&nbsp; &nbsp; 英国苏格兰&nbsp; &nbsp; 2007.7.20<br/>7&nbsp; &nbsp; 贝尔飞越圣母峰(特别版)&nbsp; &nbsp; Bear’s Mission Everest Special&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国、尼泊尔&nbsp; &nbsp; 2007.11.9<br/>第三季<br/>1&nbsp; &nbsp; 撒哈拉沙漠&nbsp; &nbsp; Sahara&nbsp; &nbsp; 摩洛哥&nbsp; &nbsp; 2007.11.9<br/>2&nbsp; &nbsp; 沙漠幸存者(沙漠保命)&nbsp; &nbsp; Desert Survivor&nbsp; &nbsp; 摩洛哥&nbsp; &nbsp; 2007.11.16<br/>3&nbsp; &nbsp; 巴拿马&nbsp; &nbsp; Panama&nbsp; &nbsp; 巴拿马&nbsp; &nbsp; 2007.11.23<br/>4&nbsp; &nbsp; 丛林&nbsp; &nbsp; Jungle (Panama)&nbsp; &nbsp; 巴拿马&nbsp; &nbsp; 2007.11.30<br/>5&nbsp; &nbsp; 巴塔哥尼亚&nbsp; &nbsp; Patagonia&nbsp; &nbsp; 阿根廷&nbsp; &nbsp; 2007.12.7<br/>6&nbsp; &nbsp; 安第斯冒险&nbsp; &nbsp; Andes Adventure&nbsp; &nbsp; 阿根廷&nbsp; &nbsp; 2007.12.14<br/>7&nbsp; &nbsp; 贝尔野外饮食(特别版)&nbsp; &nbsp; Bear Eats&nbsp; &nbsp; ——&nbsp; &nbsp; 2007.12.21<br/>第四季<br/>1&nbsp; &nbsp; 赞比亚&nbsp; &nbsp; Zambia&nbsp; &nbsp; 赞比亚&nbsp; &nbsp; 2008.5.2<br/>2&nbsp; &nbsp; 纳米比亚&nbsp; &nbsp; Namibia&nbsp; &nbsp; 纳米比亚&nbsp; &nbsp; 2008.5.9<br/>3&nbsp; &nbsp; 火山带(一)&nbsp; &nbsp; Ring of Fire, Part 1&nbsp; &nbsp; 印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛&nbsp; &nbsp; 2008.5.16<br/>4&nbsp; &nbsp; 火山带(二)&nbsp; &nbsp; Ring of Fire, Part 2&nbsp; &nbsp; 印度尼西亚巴尼亚群岛&nbsp; &nbsp; 2008.5.23<br/>5&nbsp; &nbsp; 西伯利亚(一)&nbsp; &nbsp; Siberia, Part 1&nbsp; &nbsp; 俄罗斯西伯利亚&nbsp; &nbsp; 2008.5.30<br/>6&nbsp; &nbsp; 西伯利亚(二)&nbsp; &nbsp; Siberia, Part 2&nbsp; &nbsp; 俄罗斯西伯利亚&nbsp; &nbsp; 2008.6.6<br/>第五季<br/>1&nbsp; &nbsp; 巴哈沙漠&nbsp; &nbsp; Mexico&nbsp; &nbsp; 墨西哥&nbsp; &nbsp; 2008.8.6<br/>2&nbsp; &nbsp; 美国南部荒野&nbsp; &nbsp; Louisiana&nbsp; &nbsp; 美国路易斯安那&nbsp; &nbsp; 2008.8.27<br/>3&nbsp; &nbsp; 爱尔兰西海岸&nbsp; &nbsp; Ireland&nbsp; &nbsp; 爱尔兰&nbsp; &nbsp; 2008.9.3<br/>4&nbsp; &nbsp; 南达科他州&nbsp; &nbsp; South Dakota&nbsp; &nbsp; 美国南达科他&nbsp; &nbsp; 2008.9.10<br/>5&nbsp; &nbsp; 贝尔的精华(特别版)&nbsp; &nbsp; Bear’s Essentials&nbsp; &nbsp; ——&nbsp; &nbsp; 2008.9.17<br/>6&nbsp; &nbsp; 伯利兹丛林&nbsp; &nbsp; Belize&nbsp; &nbsp; 伯利兹&nbsp; &nbsp; 2009.1.12<br/>7&nbsp; &nbsp; 育空&nbsp; &nbsp; Yukon&nbsp; &nbsp; 加拿大&nbsp; &nbsp; 2009.1.19<br/>8&nbsp; &nbsp; 地狱谷&nbsp; &nbsp; Oregon&nbsp; &nbsp; 美国俄勒冈州&nbsp; &nbsp; 2009.1.26<br/>9&nbsp; &nbsp; 多米尼加台风季&nbsp; &nbsp; Dominican Republic&nbsp; &nbsp; 多米尼加&nbsp; &nbsp; 2009.2.2<br/>10&nbsp; &nbsp; 土耳其&nbsp; &nbsp; Turkey&nbsp; &nbsp; 土耳其卡帕多西亚&nbsp; &nbsp; 2009.2.9<br/>11&nbsp; &nbsp; 罗马尼亚山区&nbsp; &nbsp; Romania&nbsp; &nbsp; 罗马尼亚喀尔巴阡山脉&nbsp; &nbsp; 2009.2.16<br/>12&nbsp; &nbsp; 超强指南Pt.1(特别版)&nbsp; &nbsp; Bear’s Ultimate Survival Guide Pt.1&nbsp; &nbsp; ——&nbsp; &nbsp; 2009.2.23<br/>第六季<br/>1&nbsp; &nbsp; 威尔法洛特集(特别版)&nbsp; &nbsp; Sweden/Will Ferrell&nbsp; &nbsp; 瑞典&nbsp; &nbsp; 2009.6.2<br/>2&nbsp; &nbsp; 北极圈急冻荒原&nbsp; &nbsp; Arctic Circle&nbsp; &nbsp; 北极&nbsp; &nbsp; 2009.8.12<br/>3&nbsp; &nbsp; 阿拉巴马&nbsp; &nbsp; Alabama&nbsp; &nbsp; 美国阿拉巴马州&nbsp; &nbsp; 2009.8.19<br/>4&nbsp; &nbsp; 越南&nbsp; &nbsp; Vietnam&nbsp; &nbsp; 越南&nbsp; &nbsp; 2009.8.26<br/>5&nbsp; &nbsp; 德克萨斯奇瓦瓦沙漠&nbsp; &nbsp; Texas&nbsp; &nbsp; 美国德克萨斯&nbsp; &nbsp; 2009.9.2<br/>6&nbsp; &nbsp; 阿拉斯加&nbsp; &nbsp; Alaska&nbsp; &nbsp; 美国阿拉斯加&nbsp; &nbsp; 2009.9.9<br/>7&nbsp; &nbsp; 超强指南Pt.2(特别版)&nbsp; &nbsp; Bear’s Ultimate Survival Guide Pt. 2&nbsp; &nbsp; ——&nbsp; &nbsp; 2009.9.16<br/>8&nbsp; &nbsp; 幕后故事(特别版)&nbsp; &nbsp; The Inside Story&nbsp; &nbsp; ——&nbsp; &nbsp; 2009.9.23<br/>9&nbsp; &nbsp; 太平洋海岛&nbsp; &nbsp; Pacific Island&nbsp; &nbsp; 巴拿马西太平洋&nbsp; &nbsp; 2010.1.6<br/>10&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国&nbsp; &nbsp; China&nbsp; &nbsp; 中国海南&nbsp; &nbsp; 2010.1.13<br/>11&nbsp; &nbsp; 长空之乡&nbsp; &nbsp; Big Cky Country&nbsp; &nbsp; 美国蒙大拿&nbsp; &nbsp; 2010.1.20<br/>12&nbsp; &nbsp; 危地马拉&nbsp; &nbsp; Guatemala&nbsp; &nbsp; 危地马拉&nbsp; &nbsp; 2010.1.27<br/>13&nbsp; &nbsp; 荒城求生&nbsp; &nbsp; Urban Survivor&nbsp; &nbsp; 波罗的海沿岸废弃城市&nbsp; &nbsp; 2010.2.3<br/>14&nbsp; &nbsp; 摄影小组的秘技(特别版)&nbsp; &nbsp; Shooting Survival&nbsp; &nbsp; ——&nbsp; &nbsp; 2010.2.10<br/>15&nbsp; &nbsp; 北非撒哈拉沙漠(新)&nbsp; &nbsp; North Africa&nbsp; &nbsp; 非洲北部&nbsp; &nbsp; 2010.2.17<br/>16&nbsp; &nbsp; 贝尔的25大经典瞬间(特别版)&nbsp; &nbsp; Top Man Moments&nbsp; &nbsp; ——&nbsp; &nbsp; 2010.6.19<br/>17&nbsp; &nbsp; 西太平洋&nbsp; &nbsp; Western Pacific&nbsp; &nbsp; 西太平洋&nbsp; &nbsp; 2010.8.11<br/>18&nbsp; &nbsp; 澳洲北部&nbsp; &nbsp; Northern Australia&nbsp; &nbsp; 澳大利亚&nbsp; &nbsp; 2010.8.18<br/>19&nbsp; &nbsp; 加拿大落基山脉&nbsp; &nbsp; Canadian Rockies&nbsp; &nbsp; 加拿大&nbsp; &nbsp; 2010.8.25<br/>20&nbsp; &nbsp; 格鲁吉亚&nbsp; &nbsp; Republic of Georgia&nbsp; &nbsp; 格鲁吉亚&nbsp; &nbsp; 2010.9.1<br/>21&nbsp; &nbsp; 荒野学求生(特别版)&nbsp; &nbsp; Fan VS Wild&nbsp; &nbsp; ——&nbsp; &nbsp; 2010.9.8<br/>22&nbsp; &nbsp; 极端的沙漠&nbsp; &nbsp; Extreme Desert&nbsp; &nbsp; 北非撒哈拉沙漠&nbsp; &nbsp; 2010.9.15<br/>23&nbsp; &nbsp; 摄影团队(特别版)&nbsp; &nbsp; Behind the Wild&nbsp; &nbsp; ——&nbsp; &nbsp; 2010.9.22<br/>第七季<br/>1&nbsp; &nbsp; 亚利桑那天空之岛&nbsp; &nbsp; Arizona Sky Islands&nbsp; &nbsp; 美国亚利桑那&nbsp; &nbsp; 2011.2.17<br/>2&nbsp; &nbsp; 拉斯角海岸&nbsp; &nbsp; Cape Wrath, Scotland&nbsp; &nbsp; 苏格兰北部&nbsp; &nbsp; 2011.2.24<br/>3&nbsp; &nbsp; 挪威九死一生&nbsp; &nbsp; Norway: Edge of Survival&nbsp; &nbsp; 挪威&nbsp; &nbsp; 2011.3.3<br/>4&nbsp; &nbsp; 婆罗洲丛林&nbsp; &nbsp; Borneo Jungle&nbsp; &nbsp; 印度尼西亚婆罗洲&nbsp; &nbsp; 2011.3.9<br/>5&nbsp; &nbsp; 马来西亚群岛&nbsp; &nbsp; Malaysian Archipelago&nbsp; &nbsp; 马来西亚&nbsp; &nbsp; 2011.3.16<br/>6&nbsp; &nbsp; 杰克?吉伦希尔特集(特别版)&nbsp; &nbsp; Men VS Wild with Jake Gyllenhaal&nbsp; &nbsp; 冰岛&nbsp; &nbsp; 2011.7.11<br/>7&nbsp; &nbsp; 新西兰:南岛&nbsp; &nbsp; New Zealand: South Island&nbsp; &nbsp; 新西兰南岛&nbsp; &nbsp; 2011.7.18<br/>8&nbsp; &nbsp; 冰岛:冰与火&nbsp; &nbsp; Iceland: Fire and Ice&nbsp; &nbsp; 冰岛&nbsp; &nbsp; 2011.7.25<br/>9&nbsp; &nbsp; 赤岩之国&nbsp; &nbsp; Red Rock Country&nbsp; &nbsp; 美国犹他州&nbsp; &nbsp; 2011.8.12<br/>10&nbsp; &nbsp; 毛利人的土地&nbsp; &nbsp; Land of the Maori&nbsp; &nbsp; 新西兰&nbsp; &nbsp; 2011.8.19<br/>11&nbsp; &nbsp; 全球求生指南&nbsp; &nbsp; Global Survival Guide&nbsp; &nbsp; ——&nbsp; &nbsp; 2011.8.21<br/>12&nbsp; &nbsp; 荒野中的工作(特别版)&nbsp; &nbsp; Working in the Wild&nbsp; &nbsp; ——&nbsp; &nbsp; 2011.8.26<br/><br/>

-熊猫、 发表于 2012-8-14 18:55


洗精瓶 发表于 2012-8-14 19:04

暴风影音直接就有 全集

星光使者 发表于 2012-8-14 19:08


老萨 发表于 2012-8-14 19:15


冰瞵惩下 发表于 2012-8-14 19:26


yybob602 发表于 2012-8-14 19:27


crisschan 发表于 2012-8-14 19:30


crisschan 发表于 2012-8-14 19:31


杰宝猪 发表于 2012-8-14 19:33

<br>表示看完了,不过没勇气尝试啊&nbsp; 哈哈

-熊猫、 发表于 2012-8-14 19:41

<div class="quote"><b>以下是引用<i>crisschan</i>在2012-08-14 19:31:00的发言:</b><br/>全集的种子是空的 </div>

黑豆先生 发表于 2012-8-14 19:49

贝爷啊 &nbsp;啊啊啊啊啊

善良的死神 发表于 2012-8-14 20:08


恶鬼门徒 发表于 2012-8-14 20:08


战神再现 发表于 2012-8-14 20:34

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查看完整版本: 荒野求生秘技 第1-7季全集 英语中字 29.77G BT下载